Terrance Medcafe

Hi, my name is Terrance Medcafe. I am the brother of current HHB trainer Len Medcafe. I was born and raised in Denton, Texas. I graduated from Ryan High School in 2006. While there, I played varsity basketball my junior and senior year.
I am a perimeter guard with a high basketball I.Q. I understands the roles & skill sets needed to play each position as well as the mental and physical make up needed to excel in the game of basketball.
Although I didn’t pursue a basketball career in college, I have a passion to teach and inspire those who are interested in learning the game.
I am currently working on the completion of my college degree and I’m looking forward to a career as a sports analyst.
Getting an opportunity to become a trainer at HHB is a privilege. I take pride in the personal responsibility, character & integrity, and high degree of expectations that the organization has set for all of their team members. It is an honor to be affiliated and associated with a group of professionals who love the lord and who cares about the personal growth and development of kids through the game.
Several years ago, after being around “T” for some time, I noticed and saw that he had unique qualities that would make him a really good trainer/mentor. So, I planted a seed and suggested that he consider joining our HHB training team but the timing wasn’t right for him.
But today, the timing is right, and for me, that’s a blessing.
“T” (Terrance) is simply a chip off the old block. He’s a student of the game. He understands the game. He has the innate ability to look at a player’s play, analyze what needs to be done to improve his/her play and then devise a plan suitable for each player to make it happen.
He’s a motivator, demonstrator, communicator and teacher. He has a pleasant inspirational presence that helps players find comfort while training with him. He’s patient but knows that hard work is needed if you want to build and sustain a healthy basketball skill set and career.
What deon says...